Coast Original Artworks

Coast Original Artworks

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Happy Collectors


Hi Steph, We just received our new art work. We have placed it in our master bedroom. We LOVE it. The framing is great too!
Well done
Lisa xx

Victoria, AU

I received your print yesterday and absolutely love it. I have been looking for the perfect print for a few years now ( really!  - I'm very fussy ) and luckily your ad on Facebook came up....

Victoria, AU

Hello! Just wanted to reply and let you know my canvas arrived today and I absolutely love it. Can't wait to pop it on the wall soon! Love your art and I'm looking forward to purchasing some more soon when the budget allows

Queensland, AU

Hi Steph,

Love the piece I just received for our dining room. Next piece is for one of our lounge rooms. Already eyeing off a third piece...Thanks so much.

South Australia, AU

I was going to send through some pics of our project in Frenches forest with your artwork in it. The artwork looks perfect in the project.... All of our residents have loved the prints and works so well in that location.

New South Wales, AU

Hi Steph
It just arrived and we’re both thrilled with it! Your amazing creation works perfectly in the space, we just need to put it up now.

South Australia, AU
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